Do you run Axe Throwing Leagues?
Yes! We will be starting Axe Throwing leagues soon.
We are looking to start up leagues on Tuesday nights for 8 weeks. Details are as follows:
- 7pm – Free Throw for all League Members
- 7:30pm – Matches begin (expected to run through 9pm
- First 6 weeks will be round robin play, final 2 weeks will be Semi-Finals and Finals
- Everyone will be participating as an individual
- $150 per person for the 8 week league ($180 if you want to purchase a Bananas’ Axe)
- 1st Place: Fabulous trophy plus free entry for next league session, 2nd Place: 50% off entry for next league event
Call us or speak to our staff to reserve your spot now. Reservation requires a down payment equal to a one hour axe throwing session.